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CCR7 (C-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 7) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with CCR7 include Chronic Actinic Dermatitis and Pars Planitis. Among its related pathways are Akt Signaling and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Differentiation Pathways and Lineage-specific Markers. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include G-protein coupled receptor activity and chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 19 binding. An important paralog of this gene is CCR9.
Full Name
C-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 7
Receptor for the MIP-3-beta chemokine. Probable mediator of EBV effects on B-lymphocytes or of normal lymphocyte functions.
Biological Process
Activation of GTPase activity Source: BHF-UCL
Calcium-mediated signaling Source: GO_Central
Cell chemotaxis Source: GO_Central
Cellular response to cytokine stimulus Source: BHF-UCL
Dendritic cell chemotaxis Source: BHF-UCL
Establishment of T cell polarity Source: BHF-UCL
G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway Source: BHF-UCL
Homeostasis of number of cells Source: Ensembl
Immune response Source: GO_Central
Inflammatory response Source: BHF-UCL
Lymphocyte migration into lymph node Source: BHF-UCL
Mature conventional dendritic cell differentiation Source: BHF-UCL
Myeloid dendritic cell chemotaxis Source: BHF-UCL
Negative regulation of dendritic cell apoptotic process Source: BHF-UCL
Negative regulation of interleukin-12 production Source: BHF-UCL
Negative thymic T cell selection Source: Ensembl
Positive regulation of actin filament polymerization Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of cell adhesion Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of cell-matrix adhesion Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of cell motility Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration Source: GO_Central
Positive regulation of dendritic cell antigen processing and presentation Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of dendritic cell chemotaxis Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of filopodium assembly Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of glycoprotein biosynthetic process involved in immunological synapse formation Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of humoral immune response Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of hypersensitivity Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of immunological synapse formation Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of interleukin-12 production Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of JNK cascade Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of neutrophil chemotaxis Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of protein kinase activity Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of pseudopodium assembly Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of T cell costimulation Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of T cell receptor signaling pathway Source: Ensembl
Regulation of dendritic cell dendrite assembly Source: BHF-UCL
Regulation of interferon-gamma production Source: BHF-UCL
Regulation of interleukin-1 beta production Source: BHF-UCL
Release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol Source: BHF-UCL
Response to lipopolysaccharide Source: Ensembl
Response to nitric oxide Source: BHF-UCL
Response to prostaglandin E Source: BHF-UCL
Ruffle organization Source: BHF-UCL
Cellular Location
Cell membrane
Extracellular: 25-59
Helical: 60-86
Cytoplasmic: 87-95
Helical: 96-116
Extracellular: 117-130
Helical: 131-152
Cytoplasmic: 153-170
Helical: 171-191
Extracellular: 192-219
Helical: 220-247
Cytoplasmic: 248-263
Helical: 264-289
Extracellular: 290-313
Helical: 314-331
Cytoplasmic: 332-378

Anti-CCR7 antibodies

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Submit A Review Fig.3 Signaling pathways in cancers. (Creative Biolabs Authorized) Fig.4 Protocols troubleshootings & guides. (Creative Biolabs Authorized) Submit A Review Fig.3 Signaling pathways in cancers. (Creative Biolabs Authorized) Fig.4 Protocols troubleshootings & guides. (Creative Biolabs Authorized)
Target: CCR7
Host: Rabbit
Antibody Isotype: IgG
Specificity: Human
Clone: CAP373
Application*: F
Target: CCR7
Host: Rabbit
Antibody Isotype: IgG
Specificity: Human, Mouse, Rat
Clone: CAP372
Application*: WB, E, IF, IH
Target: CCR7
Host: Human
Antibody Isotype: IgG1
Specificity: Human, Mouse, Rat
Clone: CBXC-0708
Application*: F, IF
Target: CCR7
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG1
Specificity: Human
Clone: CBFYC-0297
Application*: WB, E, F
Target: CCR7
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG2a
Specificity: Human
Clone: 150503
Application*: F, N
Target: CCR7
Host: Rat
Antibody Isotype: IgG2a, κ
Specificity: Mouse
Clone: 4B12
Application*: F
More Infomation
For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.
(P): Predicted
* Abbreviations
WBWestern Blot
CIChromatin Immunoprecipitation
FFlow Cytometry
FNFunction Assay
TCTissue Culture
GSGel Supershift
DBDot Blot
MCMass Cytometry/CyTOF
EMElectron Microscopy
PAPeptide Array
SHIn situ hybridization
IAEnzyme Immunoassay
SEsandwich ELISA
PLProximity Ligation Assay
LFLateral Flow Immunoassay
LALuminex Assay
CImmunohistochemistry-Frozen Sections
PImmunohistologyp-Paraffin Sections
ISIntracellular Staining for Flow Cytometry
MSElectrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay
RIRNA Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation (RIP)
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