The Lewis histo-blood group system comprises a set of fucosylated glycosphingolipids that are synthesized by exocrine epithelial cells and circulate in body fluids. The glycosphingolipids function in embryogenesis, tissue differentiation, tumor metastasis, inflammation, and bacterial adhesion. They are secondarily absorbed to red blood cells giving rise to their Lewis phenotype. This gene is a member of the fucosyltransferase family, which catalyzes the addition of fucose to precursor polysaccharides in the last step of Lewis antigen biosynthesis. It encodes an enzyme with alpha(1,3)-fucosyltransferase and alpha(1,4)-fucosyltransferase activities. Mutations in this gene are responsible for the majority of Lewis antigen-negative phenotypes. Multiple alternatively spliced variants, encoding the same protein, have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
Full Name
Fucosyltransferase 3 (Lewis Blood Group)
Catalyzes the transfer of L-fucose, from a guanosine diphosphate-beta-L-fucose, to both the subterminal N-acetyl glucosamine (GlcNAc) of type 1 chain (beta-D-Gal-(1->3)-beta-D-GlcNAc) glycolipids and oligosaccharides via an alpha(1,4) linkage, and the subterminal glucose (Glc) or GlcNAc of type 2 chain (beta-D-Gal-(1->4)-beta-D-GlcNAc) oligosaccharides via an alpha(1,3) linkage, independently of the presence of terminal alpha-L-fucosyl-(1,2) moieties on the terminal galactose of these acceptors and participates in the blood groups Lewis determination and expression of Lewis a (Le(a)), lewis b (Le(b)), Lewis x/SSEA-1 (Le(x)) and lewis y (Le(y)) antigens (PubMed:12668675, PubMed:1977660, PubMed:11058871).
Also catalyzes the transfer of L-fucose to subterminal GlcNAc of sialyl- and disialyl-lactotetraosylceramide to produce sialyl Lewis a (sLe(a)) and disialyl Lewis a via an alpha(1,4) linkage and therefore may regulate cell surface sialyl Lewis a expression and consequently regulates adhesive properties to E-selectin, cell proliferation and migration (PubMed:12668675, PubMed:11058871, PubMed:27453266).
Catalyzes the transfer of an L-fucose to 3'-sialyl-N-acetyllactosamine by an alpha(1,3) linkage, which allows the formation of sialyl-Lewis x structure and therefore may regulate the sialyl-Lewis x surface antigen expression and consequently adhesive properties to E-selectin (PubMed:11058871).
Prefers type 1 chain over type 2 acceptors (PubMed:7721776).
Type 1 tetrasaccharide is a better acceptor than type 1 disaccharide suggesting that a beta anomeric configuration of GlcNAc in the substrate is preferred (PubMed:7721776).
Lewis-positive (Le+) individuals have an active enzyme while Lewis-negative (Le-) individuals have an inactive enzyme (PubMed:1977660).
Biological Process
Cell-cell recognition Source: BHF-UCL
Ceramide metabolic process Source: BHF-UCL
Fucosylation Source: UniProtKB
Macromolecule glycosylation Source: BHF-UCL
Oligosaccharide biosynthetic process Source: BHF-UCL
Oligosaccharide metabolic process Source: UniProtKB
Positive regulation of cell-cell adhesion Source: UniProtKB
Protein glycosylation Source: UniProtKB-UniPathway
Regulation of cell migration Source: UniProtKB
Regulation of cell population proliferation Source: UniProtKB
Cellular Location
Golgi stack membrane. Membrane-bound form in trans cisternae of Golgi.
Cytoplasmic: 1-15
Helical: 16-34
Lumenal: 35-361