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CXCL12 (C-X-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 12) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with CXCL12 include Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Aids Dementia Complex. Among its related pathways are Apoptotic Pathways in Synovial Fibroblasts and PAK Pathway. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include receptor binding and chemokine activity.
Full Name
C-X-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 12
Biological Process
Adult locomotory behavior Source: Ensembl
Animal organ regeneration Source: Ensembl
Antimicrobial humoral immune response mediated by antimicrobial peptide Source: UniProtKB
Axon guidance Source: GO_Central
Blood circulation Source: ProtInc
Cell adhesion Source: ProtInc
Cell chemotaxis Source: UniProtKB
Cellular calcium ion homeostasis Source: ProtInc
Cellular response to chemokine Source: BHF-UCL
Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 signaling pathway Source: BHF-UCL
Chemokine-mediated signaling pathway Source: BHF-UCL
Chemotaxis Source: UniProtKB
Defense response Source: InterPro
Detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain Source: Ensembl
Detection of temperature stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain Source: Ensembl
G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway Source: Reactome
Immune response Source: ProtInc
Induction of positive chemotaxis Source: GO_Central
Integrin activation Source: UniProtKB
Killing of cells of other organism Source: UniProtKB
Negative regulation of dendritic cell apoptotic process Source: BHF-UCL
Negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage Source: BHF-UCL
Negative regulation of leukocyte tethering or rolling Source: UniProtKB
Neuron migration Source: Ensembl
Positive regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance Source: Ensembl
Positive regulation of calcium ion import Source: BHF-UCL
Positive regulation of cell adhesion Source: MGI
Positive regulation of cell migration Source: GO_Central
Positive regulation of dopamine secretion Source: Ensembl
Positive regulation of endothelial cell proliferation Source: Ensembl
Positive regulation of monocyte chemotaxis Source: UniProtKB
Positive regulation of neuron differentiation Source: Ensembl
Positive regulation of T cell migration Source: MGI
Regulation of actin polymerization or depolymerization Source: ProtInc
Response to heat Source: Ensembl
Response to hypoxia Source: Ensembl
Response to peptide hormone Source: Ensembl
Response to radiation Source: Ensembl
Response to ultrasound Source: Ensembl
Response to virus Source: ProtInc
Signal transduction Source: ProtInc
T cell chemotaxis Source: UniProtKB
Telencephalon cell migration Source: Ensembl
Viral process Source: UniProtKB-KW
Cellular Location
Processed forms SDF-1-beta(3-72) and SDF-1-alpha(3-67) are produced after secretion by proteolytic cleavage of isoforms Beta and Alpha, respectively. The N-terminal processing is probably achieved by DPP4. Isoform Alpha is first cleaved at the C-terminus to yield a SDF-1-alpha(1-67) intermediate before being processed at the N-terminus. The C-terminal processing of isoform Alpha is reduced by binding to heparin and, probably, cell surface proteoglycans.

Anti-CXCL12 antibodies

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Submit A Review Fig.3 Signaling pathways in cancers. (Creative Biolabs Authorized) Fig.4 Protocols troubleshootings & guides. (Creative Biolabs Authorized) Submit A Review Fig.3 Signaling pathways in cancers. (Creative Biolabs Authorized) Fig.4 Protocols troubleshootings & guides. (Creative Biolabs Authorized)
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG2a, κ
Specificity: Human
Clone: 2B1
Application*: SE, E
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG2b, κ
Specificity: Human
Clone: 1B2
Application*: SE, E
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Specificity: Rat
Clone: CBCNC-517
Application*: WB, ICC, P, IH-F, E
Target: CXCL12
Host: Rat
Antibody Isotype: IgG1
Specificity: Mouse
Clone: CBWJC-3480
Application*: WB
Target: CXCL12
Host: Rabbit
Antibody Isotype: IgG
Specificity: Human, Rat, Mouse
Clone: CBXS-5374
Application*: WB, IP
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG2b, κ
Specificity: Human
Clone: CBXS-4065
Application*: E
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG1
Specificity: Human
Clone: CBXS-5987
Application*: F, P
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG1
Specificity: Human, Mouse
Clone: CBXC-1319
Application*: F
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG1
Specificity: Human, Sheep
Clone: CBXC-2318
Application*: F, IH, P
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG1
Specificity: Human, Mouse
Clone: CBYY-C2350
Application*: N
Target: CXCL12
Host: Rabbit
Antibody Isotype: IgG
Specificity: Human
Clone: CBFYC-2501
Application*: E
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG2b, κ
Specificity: Human
Clone: CBFYC-2500
Application*: E
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG1
Specificity: Human
Clone: CBFYC-2499
Application*: F, IH
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG2b, κ
Specificity: Human
Clone: 1E5
Application*: E
Target: CXCL12
Host: Mouse
Antibody Isotype: IgG1
Specificity: Human
Clone: 14L308
Application*: F, IH
More Infomation
For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.
(P): Predicted
* Abbreviations
WBWestern Blot
CIChromatin Immunoprecipitation
FFlow Cytometry
FNFunction Assay
TCTissue Culture
GSGel Supershift
DBDot Blot
MCMass Cytometry/CyTOF
EMElectron Microscopy
PAPeptide Array
SHIn situ hybridization
IAEnzyme Immunoassay
SEsandwich ELISA
PLProximity Ligation Assay
LFLateral Flow Immunoassay
LALuminex Assay
CImmunohistochemistry-Frozen Sections
PImmunohistologyp-Paraffin Sections
ISIntracellular Staining for Flow Cytometry
MSElectrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay
RIRNA Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation (RIP)
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